
Tel.: +7(495)790-7178
Mob.: +7(926)096-0594
Contacts, technical support




Stock and order

Stock availability

Service maintenance

Various consultations on implementation of the acquired equipment and the software into operation, training of work with a complex are provided. For more information, please contact technical support departmaent.

Configuration of the complex and SW for specific Customer tasks
Development of non-standard configurations of complexes, and also adaptation (amendment) of existing SW for tasks of the User, development of converters of data in new or non-standard formats is possible.

Modernization and expansion of functionality
Some models of the purchased equipment can be upgraded to improve the technical characteristics or expand the functionality. Such modernization includes:


- integration of additional equipment;
- SW adaptation for connecting sensors of User;
- training to work with equipment and SW;
- development of methods of work.

Maintenance, adjustment, periodic verification
The necessary maintenance of the purchased equipment, adjustment and periodic verification of the sensors included in the complex are performed.

Repair of purchased equipment
At failure of the acquired equipment its repair is carried out: 

- by the Consumer, by replacing with new equipment from the spare parts (if available)
- by the Manufacturer

Minor repairs (replacement of fuses, cables) are performed by the Consumer according to the relevant instructions given in the operating documentation for the equipment.